Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's My Favorite Game

What's OenoSteve rocking today?!  Could it be chartreuse?  Violet? neon green polka dots?  Nope... Peach.  The answer is peach.

Couple quick thoughts... so France is sending military advisers to help the Libyan rebels?  Should we all just concede to Mommar now?  Is that too joke too easy?  If I keep asking questions will this ever get funny?

Apparently my I-phone is keeping track of "everywhere" I go.  How much data do they need about my bathroom, my couch, my office, and the bar at the Farmhouse?

Am I more than a little grossed out by all of the preggo Mariah Carey pictures on the internet?  Yes, yes I am.

What the f*ck is going on w/ all of these weirdos doing weird shit on the interwebs and then becoming famous and most likely moderately wealthy?  Is it really all I have to do... post a video of myself singing Hall and Oats songs while doing a foxtrot in a sumo suit and spraying myself w/ mustard?  'Cause I'll do it!!!!

By the way... Oates of Hall and Oates 6/3 in Essex!

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