So I guess that whole end of the world thing in 2000 is not really in play? I guess the new end of days is sometime in 2011 or 2012 according to the Incan calendar or Nostradamus, or maybe it was Cleo? Either way... pretty quiet here today. I have been taking a peek at all of the end of the year/ decade best/worst of lists. You know, best dressed, top athletes, best games, grossest celebrity dumps. That kind of stuff. When I think about it this has been a pretty eventful year and decade for the ol' Jaybird. I suppose they all are in some way or another, and if not you are not really l-i-v-i-n! In the last 10 years though I; had 3 jobs, was arrested for assault and battery w/ a deadly weapon (a door to the ass, dismissed), jumped and beat up by 8 guys, fantasy football champ, my brother had a baby, I moved back home to VT and got a real job and sorted out my life (but seemed to have misplaced my hair somewhere?), bought a car, paid it all off, bought a house (not all paid off), went through the worst recession since the Great Depression, Michael Jackson died, used the Scottie Pippen defense, GOT MARRIED, drove 135MPH, made over 1million inappropriate jokes/comments, ate at the Grammercy Tavern, went to Barbados, Jamaica, Morea (South Pacific), France, made and lost friends, karate chopped a few people, scored 107.88 on the Microsoft paper airplane game... started a blog. Pretty exhausting when you think about it. What will the next decade bring? Besides the end of the world of course! Hopefully a puppy.
Have a safe and very merry new year HAHAHA... beef jerky time!
107.88? Isn't that the world record?
i think it is :)
possibly, I am an excellent paper airplane tosser... and marksman
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