Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Let's Make it Weird!

Tues and the robust Free Press is 12 pages... 8 of which are even their own content!  Some dude jumped off the 80 foot cliff at Red Rocks and landed ass first.  That must have f*ing hurt!  What an enema right?  that and the bottom of the balls slap.  No winners there, except readers or the article.  

Lot of debate on who is more "real world like able" Mitt or Obama.  Who gives a shit.  I would not want to hang out w/ either one but I thought GW would be great to drink beer w/ and we saw how that worked out.  I don't want a fun person as president... this is not student council.  I want an intelligent driven leader who puts good people around him.  We should be electing down home people to local office and to Congress where they can take our issues to Washington.  The president then needs to be able to listen and work out the various issues, like the CEO of a company. 

Is there a worse thing out there on than internet than naked Snooki pics?  Wait, don't answer that... I know there is and I don't want to see it.

Not saying it will happen, but if you happen to see me naked and disoriented in Burlington?  Bath salts! 

Why are equity traders such assclowns?  Europe is f*d and these morons are pushing stocks up on the assumption there will be additional fiscal stimulus?  That is bad for us.  Stimulus means we are still in a no growth cycle and eventually that market will decline. Too much flow trading, no fundamental analysis, that is a bad trend.

This Syria thing is bad.  Real bad.   http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/13/world/middleeast/violence-in-syria-continues-as-protesters-killed.html?_r=1&hp

R.I.P. Ray, "Fahrenheit 451" was an early read for me that was really quite an eye opener.

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