Back from the Dominican Republic and it was great! I will get the typical travel unpleasantness out of the way first. We had a 6+hour layover (flight also delayed an hour) and did not get home until well past midnight so I am a little worn out today. I was also specially selected at random to have my shit searched and also get my privates worked over by some dude who probably was unhappy about it as I was. Thanks Bin Laden. On the way out of the DR I also had 4 golf balls confiscated. The guy jabbering in Spanish thought they would be more likely to be used as a weapon than my golf cleats, golf tees, of my fists of fury which are registered weapons in 8 states... go figure?
Anyway, we got down to the island last Thursday w/ very little trouble. Renting the car was also very easy. We had expected overcast skies w/ a few showers. Nope, 80 and sunny all week. The next step? A harrowing hour and a half ride on a narrow Caribbean road pocked with 2 foot deep pot holes, crazy Dominicans on motor bikes or walking out into the middle of the road, or driving beat up jalopies passing on blind curves at 90. We never felt unsafe but the DR is a somewhat lawless place. The rules of the road? Who ever makes their move first wins!!! Well, I am a bit of a madman as well so it did not take long to acclimate. In no time I was also swerving into oncoming traffic and speeding around in our rented Kia like I was Dale Earnhardt!
The country is certainly a have vs. have not island like most of the Caribbean but it is very beautiful. There are plenty of long wide beaches covered with soft sand and bright emerald and topaz waters. We stayed at a small place up in the hills a little outside the town of Cabrera... La Catalina. It had a couple roaches but for less than $100 a night and breakfast included it was a great place. Breakfast was solid and the coffee was great. Otherwise the food was really nothing to shout about. We had shrimp a couple times that was good otherwise there was lots of overcooked fish in bad sauces. BUT, the rum (especially Barcelo and Brugal) was delicious and a cold Presidente beer is something special.
We started our days with short beautiful hikes near the hotel to get the blood going. We then would cruise to one of the local beaches (Playa Grande was our favorite) to pick out a quiet spot under a palm tree and read. Most of the beaches were really only good for wading as the surf is rough but there were a couple places to truly swim. That was great and very relaxing.
We played golf one day at the Playa Grande course. It was long but not particularly hard. Apparently it is never busy. We walked right on and had a very fast round. The rentals were terrible and our caddie was not friendly at all but the course was on cliffs overlooking the amazing ocean and it was a very pleasant way to spend an afternoon.
One thing we did check out that did not live up to expectations was Lake Dudu. That place f*cked up our whole day on Sunday. It looks nice and is a natural spectacle but is also loaded w/ unruly teenage Dominicans making a scene and acting out. It is like the town pool. The yogurt place nearby on rt. 5 is good though.
Overall it was a great trip and my special lady made excellent plans as usual. If you go, get Spanish lessons and check out the beach. 1 4/5 thumbs saying bueno!
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