After a brief period of sun, Vermont returned to it's natural position as "Seattle East". Cold, rain, and a whole lotta rain! There really is only one thing to do on a day like that and that is go bowling! But the bowling alley looked full and we didn't want to bowl do option number 2... Lowes to look at windows, doors, and lighting treatments for the mudroom! Well, that is only partly a joke because we did do that and it did suck. At some point my special lady and I may just turn this damned mudroom renovation into a steel cage and battle to the death as to whether we need a sliding barn door or an alcove. Don't worry about me though, I have the weapon of dutch oven mastery on my side. I fight dirty. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, we treated ourselves to a movie downtown. After joking about it for awhile a couple friends of ours joined us to put our money where our mouth was and take in a viewing of Hot Tub Time Machine. You know what? It was great. In fact, it was f*ing awesome. I will go so far as to say it was the best movie I have seen post The Hangover. I am not sure it has the same re-watchability as The Hangover or Old School, but it is just a smidgen behind. Crude jokes, boobs, excellent comic timing, John Cusack, booze, 80s references. This could have really been terrible but was funny. The whole thing was funny, even when they inevitably had to make hard choices and do the right thing and all that crap. Lou the Violator was acidic and spot on. Darrell from the office was solid as the guy with the understated off the cuff jokes that always hit at just the right time. Cusack is a very funny straight man. The kid was a solid nerd, like a Jonah Hill Lite. Only kinda lite though. 2 thumbs up if you enjoy sophomoric hijinks
Afterwards we stopped by the Daily Plant for a debrief. Not much to say about that place. The bar is ok, decent space, ok vibe, so so service. The food is not great but not terrible. It is fine. I did have a Serazac which is a fun drink. Basically it is rye whiskey served in an absinthe washed glass. Yeah, be careful. We realized what we really need in this town is a Smokejack's revival. We used to complain about that place but it filled a niche. When you wanted halfway decent food and a good cocktail on a sunny day on Church Street in the afternoon that was the place. The rest of the street has either really bad food, no seating, or bad drinks. The Smokejack's space has been empty for over a year now. Come back to us Old Smokey! Come back!!!
I am predicting the Sox finish 4th in their division. They suck. Can't pitch, can't field, certainly can't hit. I am not sure David Ortiz could hit a home run off a tee. Just painful to watch.
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