So I am currently hiding in the upstairs office because my wife is hosting "wine group" and it is intense! After that Kid Rock concert I was all fired up to download a few songs but he is not on I-Tunes? WTF?!?! Speaking of I-Tunes... I just got an I-Phone for work and at first blush it sucks. Unlike my Blackberry it gets no reception, is always looking for a wi-fi signal as opposed to just the cell signal and since it is an AT&T service there is little to no cell coverage anyway. BOOOOO!!!!
OK, so the Sox really backed into the playoffs and I am not super confident that they can make a real run. Beckett is shaky and the whole team just doesn't seem quite right. The Yankees look pretty good heading in but their pitching is also suspect. OK, here is something I really hate about NY sports... I know I have mentioned it before but there is no other city that sucks up to their athletes and teams as bad as NY. If you are a mediocre team/player in NY the media will make you out to be a god. The J-E-T-S for example. Nice start to the season but according to NY papers they are already Super Bowl bound. Oh yeah, they just lost and are not going to even go to the Super Bowl w/ their rookie QB. Stamp it! On the flip side, the Patriots lost 1 game and in New England we are convinced they are F**cked! I listen to Yankees and Red Sox baseball on my drive home. WEEI, the Sox station holds to the Protestant ethic... you can never be good enough to gain praise. If Dice-K pitches 7 shut out innings and then gives up a run... Bum! Close play at the plate? Sox player is definitely out! Borderline strike for Lester? Yeah probably a ball. The Yankees station?A-Roid is already a top 3 all time great. Jeter goes 1 for 6? That 1 hit was the play of the game... amazing plate awareness. Borderline strike for Pettite? oh yeah, that was a strike... no doubt about it, in fact Andy is looking very sharp tonight, he may be throwing 112 MPH despite what the radar gun says, did you know he can read minds, see into the future, and may be the best left hand pitcher ever? Jack-asses. That is why people think a guy w/ no range to his left is a gold glover, why Joe Namath w/ stats not up to par w/ Jim McMahon is in the hall of fame and Clyde Frazier is somehow a legend when he has stats that rival Xavier McDaniel. Meanwhile, an all time hero David Ortiz had a tough start to the season and we here in New England wanted to trade him for a 12 pack of beer and Gabe Kapler!!! Dang...
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