First off, let me mention that when I woke up this morning it was 37 degrees and raining. Lows for the week are expected to get into the mid twenties, highs in the high forties. That my friends sucks donkey balls! I was also a little bummed about how meekly the Sox exited the playoffs, couldn't hit... couldn't pitch. I did however get a little party time in, witnessed the gory aftermath of a bouncy house gone wrong and a knee to the face... that was pretty funny. Got some time wandering around in the woods and clearing some brush which is a pretty good way to spend what should have been a work day. I also was able to get some movie time in! Friday night my special lady and I met up to see the movie Couple's Retreat which had a solid ensemble cast and looked very funny. Yikes... I need a therapist because I was thinking about breaking up w/ movies after this movie. It was really not very funny. There were a couple parts that were ok but overall it is a renter. The jokes were beaten like a dead horse and the female characters were very dull. Plus Jason Bateman mailed it in pretty bad. 1 thumb sideways but leaning ever so slightly down. The bright side is that we made a mean plate of no-meat nachos afterwards that were absolutely delicious! Uh, then we passed out around 10PM which was a little lame. Sunday night we decided to take a peak at our Netflix movie I Love You Man. Well director... I hate you, man. Very unfunny. Paul Rudd was a dud. Hahahahaha. The guy from Saving Sarah Silverman was also not funny, but he kept his junk holstered in this movie so that was cool. Really nothing to talk about here, a dull 1 thumb down. Monday we had an unexpected and pleasant surprise. While eating some chili and anticipating some work to be done, my buddy and I came across House Bunny on one of the premium channels (HBO or Showtime). To be fair the first 2 minute we watched had Anna Faris naked from behind which was pretty awesome and totally sucked us in. She was half naked for the rest of the movie. I think this would be a pretty ok date movie. It is the story of female discovery and empowerment... staying true to yourself... and at the same time there are hot girls in skimpy clothing and some pretty funny jokes sprinkled in. The midget and pregnant woman, and girl from Idaho were a little creepy... trust me. Anyway, I'll give it a thumb up, why not! Tonight begins a bit of a difficult week, friend dinner, 2 work dinners, and possibly work outing. Sounds fun and probably will be but these things leave me pretty wiped out. Wish me luck. I said WISH ME LUCK!!!!!
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