It is the newest flick from the people that brought you Weekend at Bernie's III, Cell Block 2B, and who could forget Madoff in Manhattan, with Your Money!!!, and the classic How do you Take Your Cioffi? With Ponzi and Cream!!! Good times. Is it really that shocking to discover guys who make billions on trades they will not disclose to their own customers are criminals? Seriously? 25% returns are abnormal and not really repeatable. I'm sorry, that is just the way it is. If you could beat the system it would not be a system. It's like Vegas... if people could really beat Vegas on a consistent basis it would not make sense to own a casino and Vegas would not exist. Which leads me to a movie review... 21. Watched it last night on Pay Per View w/ my special lady. It was not horrible but it was not really good either. The movie started out ok and was interesting but then fell into a tired formula. The kid started melting down, the foreshadowing was like a sledgehammer to the face, and the ending was so predictable a weatherman could figure it out. The kid in it looked completely different when he was in Vegas than he did in Cambridge. It was funny, like the producers wanted you to know he had different personalities so bad they hired 2 different actors! Kate Bosworth is sometimes really hot... sometimes not. She needs a sandwich. And chips. 1 thumb sideways.
We were on the road looking for a light lunch the other day and stopped into a place we never think of, Harrington's, in Shelburne. It was great. They have really good turkey, and ham. It is not slimy, has great texture and flavor. They use good bread, good cheese, and solid veggies. It is neither too much nor too little. Plus, the price is very reasonable. Really flies under the radar but I am going 2 thumbs up. Tell them Jay sent you... and then laugh when they look at you like you are about to rob the place!!!!!
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