I have not been stung by a bee in a long time so I guess I was due... last night I mowed the lawn and in the process I saw several voles making a run for it from the grass to some shrubs. I mowed one down. Karma, being the great equalizer found me minutes later. I was trying to fire up my weed whacker and I was yarning on the starter rope when I felt something on my arm. As I swatted it away, something stung my leg, then my arm... and then I realized I was in the middle of a swarm of bees who were like a crazed biker gang, and I was the jerk in the Prius getting harassed!!! I flailed about and then made a mad dash for the house. The stings were painful, in fact the one on my leg still really hurts! F*ing bees.
Speaking of painful... John Smoltz, thanks for coming out!
Big wedding this weekend w/ the JB squared couple making it official! Will I dance vigorously? Distinct possibility!
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