Tuesday, October 23, 2007

That's a Man...Man!

I am a huge fan of the New York Post. I also enjoy the Boston Herald and the New York Daily News, but there is nothing quite like the Post. The story that has my attention of late revolves around billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. Apparently he is in hot water for soliciting sex from underage prostitutes. Pretty salacious story right? Well, it gets better. He got sued last week for having relations w/ a then underage model who now is twenty something years old but at the time of the incident was so emotionally damaged she could not bring charges. Beyond the oddness of the underage and "unnatural" sex acts... this model was pictured w/ her much older, fatter, uglier, lawyer/boyfriend! Not only extremely salacious, but fishy, very fishy. But wait, it gets better! The she is a he! It's a dude! Maximilla was once Maxillian!!! Well, it might all be fake but it's a funny story anyway


Do you like Strawberry? Well, how about...RAWBERRY!!!!!!!!


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