Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Review: Zodiac

Looking for a way to spend an innordinate amount of time (2hr 38m)? Looking for gratuittous violence? How about multiple characters who seem to be very loosely connected and go through ups and downs but never find any type of resolution? How about a story that seems to have a hypothesis regarding an unsolved crime but then realizes it does not have a complete base of facts and bails out at the end w/ no ends to justify terribly painful means?! Uninterested in hearing what the actors are saying because they talk to softly, the music is too loud, and they generally have a cigarette in their mouth? Do you want Jake GYLYNLAHHALLEN doing Jake Gyllakehnenhalun things?!?!? Than Zodiac is the movie for you!!!!!! It is too long, cuts it's only entertaining character (Robert Downy Jr.) too early and w/ his character still woefully underdeveloped, and generally just SUCKS! They had a nice little idea but tried to incorporate far too many facets to a complicated case. If you are getting into an unsolved case of this magnitude I think you have to take the Oliver Stone JFK route and just make a huge leap of faith and make a bunch of shit up. At the end of the day there is a reason the police could never make a compelling case against anyone.

On the bright side the soundtrack is fantastic.

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