Well first things first... I present your 2007 World Champion Boston Red Sox!!!!!!! You are excited right? Great pitching, great hitting, great fielding. Not to get too far ahead of myself but I think we should prepare now for a ten-peat. Icing on the cake, as cranky Mike Lowell picks up a much deserved MVP award. Great time here for Lowell if that is the end. I won't belabor the point but I am pretty damned happy today. I would also like to thank the National League for sending another lamb to the slaughter. Seriously, other than Todd Helton and Todd Helton's goatee, was there one person in that lineup you were afraid of? Matt "I'm taking a" Holliday? Nope. Kaz Chopsuey? Nah. The other 6 guys? I was afraid they would fly out as opposed to strike out, that's about it. Of course, this is pretty easy to say now that it's over.
A few more thoughts... Thanks for coming out Steinbrenner Jr. Maybe you should keep talking. There are 200+ million reasons why the Yankees suck. A-Rod. I am sending out a huge disapproving head shake. this guy might be the biggest asshole in sports... Maybe even topping Barry Bonds, and Kobe-Beef. That guy is going to pansy slap some team for 300MM plus, I just pray it's not the Red Sox!
So I was drinking a beer and watching the Giants w/ a co-worker on Sunday afternoon, we happened to notice once again that Burlington is one odd place. How many towns in America are more strange during the day than at night?! We were accosted at the bar by Santa Clauses drunk brother, Flannel Frank... who regaled us w/ stories and funny nicknames for NFL teams, such as the Washington Foreskins, and the N.E. Pastry Asses! Good times. We finally rolled out and came across a guy who appeared to by 5 acid tabs deep, twirling around in the middle of the street looking and pointing skyward, with his eyes rolled back in their sockets (he was about 45). With a little beer in my belly I then rocked the price Chopper where I was able to wade through the 300lb herd to pick up the Jay family essentials. Let me tell you... it is ALWAYS a good idea to A)let you 5 yr old push the cart (preferably into other shoppers) and B) look in one direction while pushing your cart in the opposite direction (preferably into other shoppers). I then bagged my own groceries while the 8 teenagers "working" at the store stood around and chatted about the sex they are not having and the zits they most certainly are having! I'll take plastic please!
Hey, the Patriots are pretty good. The Dolphins and J-E-T-S... not so much.
Chewing tobacco may give you moth cancer but with it's smooth satisfying flavor... you can count on smooth satisfying moth cancer! Sorry, I was just reading a magazine in my other office and thought that ad was funny.
Hey Mel Gibson, I have one criticism concerning Apocalypto... more violence!!!!
Trinity football... more laterals!! http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/video/videopage?videoId=3083220&categoryId=2564308&n8pe6c=2&lpos=spotlight&lid=tab5pos1
Jay About Town... more ellipses... And way more exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last thing, one more rant about VT. The service! In a metropolitan area you pay a professional, they grumble, they do the job, they make every attempt to do the job professionally, and they take pride in their work. Here? If you can find someone actually willing to do some work (needs to be between 10AM and 3PM), you pay them more than they deserve, they usually do not do the job and if they do it is shit, you complain, they are already closed, they do not have call waiting... or email... or an answering machine... you seethe and contemplate burning their business down, they go on a 3 month vacation courtesy of their trust fund and or welfare check!!!!!!!! So that's fun.
OK, enough for now... it's time to put out the vibe
A few more thoughts... Thanks for coming out Steinbrenner Jr. Maybe you should keep talking. There are 200+ million reasons why the Yankees suck. A-Rod. I am sending out a huge disapproving head shake. this guy might be the biggest asshole in sports... Maybe even topping Barry Bonds, and Kobe-Beef. That guy is going to pansy slap some team for 300MM plus, I just pray it's not the Red Sox!
So I was drinking a beer and watching the Giants w/ a co-worker on Sunday afternoon, we happened to notice once again that Burlington is one odd place. How many towns in America are more strange during the day than at night?! We were accosted at the bar by Santa Clauses drunk brother, Flannel Frank... who regaled us w/ stories and funny nicknames for NFL teams, such as the Washington Foreskins, and the N.E. Pastry Asses! Good times. We finally rolled out and came across a guy who appeared to by 5 acid tabs deep, twirling around in the middle of the street looking and pointing skyward, with his eyes rolled back in their sockets (he was about 45). With a little beer in my belly I then rocked the price Chopper where I was able to wade through the 300lb herd to pick up the Jay family essentials. Let me tell you... it is ALWAYS a good idea to A)let you 5 yr old push the cart (preferably into other shoppers) and B) look in one direction while pushing your cart in the opposite direction (preferably into other shoppers). I then bagged my own groceries while the 8 teenagers "working" at the store stood around and chatted about the sex they are not having and the zits they most certainly are having! I'll take plastic please!
Hey, the Patriots are pretty good. The Dolphins and J-E-T-S... not so much.
Chewing tobacco may give you moth cancer but with it's smooth satisfying flavor... you can count on smooth satisfying moth cancer! Sorry, I was just reading a magazine in my other office and thought that ad was funny.
Hey Mel Gibson, I have one criticism concerning Apocalypto... more violence!!!!
Trinity football... more laterals!! http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/video/videopage?videoId=3083220&categoryId=2564308&n8pe6c=2&lpos=spotlight&lid=tab5pos1
Jay About Town... more ellipses... And way more exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last thing, one more rant about VT. The service! In a metropolitan area you pay a professional, they grumble, they do the job, they make every attempt to do the job professionally, and they take pride in their work. Here? If you can find someone actually willing to do some work (needs to be between 10AM and 3PM), you pay them more than they deserve, they usually do not do the job and if they do it is shit, you complain, they are already closed, they do not have call waiting... or email... or an answering machine... you seethe and contemplate burning their business down, they go on a 3 month vacation courtesy of their trust fund and or welfare check!!!!!!!! So that's fun.
OK, enough for now... it's time to put out the vibe