Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What an Asshole

Let's all give it up for our Burlington city attorney nominee Ian Carleton, he is sticking both feet in his mouth before even getting the job!  When explaining why he should get a higher salary than normally would be allocated he said "I graduated from the best law school in the country," alluding to his Yale education. “It was the best when I was there, and it still is,”

Well, there you have it... that guy deserves more money folks.  I am convinced!  Now I am not saying it is not an impressive degree, it certainly is and Yale is by most accounts the top ranked law program and has been for years.  On the other hand he graduated over 2 decades ago.  Certainly a more rational discussion is current service to the community and sticking to his sacrifice of compensation leaving private practice.  By making the Yale quip he comes across as a petulant and entitled brat.  It was certainly a question that Mayor Miro had to be prepared for.  Hiring Yale cronies is fine... hiring them and then have them make dooshy comments is quite another thing.  I may be wrong but like New Hampshire and Maine, Vermont is proud of its salt of the earth do it yourself no nonsense attitude and this flies in the face of that sentiment.  I am certainly guilty of taking a haughty air and acting like an entitled jerk... then again I am not running for public office and asking for a pay bump in a city where the in place salary is 2-3X the median income for residents?

At the end of the day politics is about delivery right?  Every word and sentence must be measured and the audience must be considered.  Unlike this blog where I can say all the dumb shit I like.  Only 4 people are reading it anyway.

1 comment:

J-Bird said...

guess these things sort themselves out... miro pulled the nomination.