Thursday, June 2, 2011

Things You Probably Do Not Care About

So in the month of May can you guess which country followed the U.S. for the second most hits on Jay About Town?  Iran.  Yup, Iran.  Always knew I was a hit with the Mullahs!  Not sure how I get most of my traffic.  Before I could do the deep dive I assumed if you were reading this you were my dad, my wife, or one of my friends.  Apparently there are automatic searches that look up pictures or keywords I have on the site and they latch on to advertise bullshit you may or may not want.  Does my dad need to know where to score the best legal drugs?  Don't think so.  Chinese herbs for a larger... personality? Maybe for T-Pain.  We could all use a Ric Flair mortgage though...  Anywho, I like to see these stats... they make me laugh.  Like farts.  And wrestling midgets.  And fat guys dancing.  And monkeys telling jokes

OK, how about a little topical discussion... Why is the political discourse so absolute and vitriolic these days?  Mitt Romney was quoted saying "Barack Obama has failed America".  Yikes.  Why come with the hammer so soon into your campaign... that dude just killed Bin Laden?  These politicians are like radio show hosts, they throw out wild statements meant to shock and capture sound bites for a Twitter generation and it allows them to blow up and then quickly fade away.  I think I can jump on this bandwagon though and help these folks.  Here are my suggestions for political taglines for top contenders.

Barack Obama: I killed Bin Laden Bitch! (Please ignore those ugly jobless people next door...)
Mitt Romney: I hate Obama... He failed you and probably was born in Al Queda-land
Sarah Palin: I am the cute one who hates Obama, you betcha!
Donald Trump: Obama... You're Fired! Did I forget to mention I often file chapter 11? Never mind.
Michele Bacchman: I am the not as good looking even crazier person who hates Obama! He is a Communist!
Tim Pawlenty: Hey remember the governor of Minn. before me? He will suplex you if you don't vote for me!
Arnold Swartyfjshkjhnegger:  Yah, I am groping for votes!
Newt Gingrich: Hey, I was huge in the 90s!  And I still hate that Taliban jerk Obama!
Bernie Sanders: Mr. Obama, come to Vermont and see how the trust fund babies struggle to afford $1000 lift tickets!
Barney Frank: rabbababalalbablbalbalaba banks bad.

So there.  Pretty sure w/ some slick glossy presentation material I have something?  One more thing, let's see if we can build some site traffic.  Will and Kate wedding pics/ Blake Lively boobs/ Miami Heat suck/ Jennifer Anniston dating Charlie Sheen?/ Jeter A-Rod love spat/ BEIBER BEIBER BEIBER!!!!

I expect a huge uptick in traffic tomorrow, or some kind of cease and desist letter?

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