Monday, June 13, 2011

Can you tell enough Weiner jokes?

It is Monday and sure, I could talk about the Bela Fleck show we went to last night that was very good as usual. And yeah, I could spend some time writing about the excellent HBO shows I watched this weekend about The Broad Street Bullies or the McEnroe/Borg rivalry that were both excellent.  I could talk about the never ending rain, or my asshole cat who now swipes at strangers for no reason and puked on my bath mat this morning.  There are plenty of things to rap about but today I think I will touch on a subject I have ignored for too long. NY Rep Anthony Weiner!  I would like to get in on the NYPost angle and come up w/ the best Weiner headlines I can think of that they have (hopefully) not used yet...

Media rubs Weiner the wrong way.
Weiner stiffens up under the pressure
Obama frustrated, slaps Weiner around.
Politicians cuffing Weiner after latest outburst
Weiner goes deep into contacts for support
Weiner shrinks as Dems pour cold water on him
Weiner stuck between a rock and a dirty black jack dealer from Vegas
Weiner tries to get head above water
Weiner hanging out in anticipation of latest charges.
Weiner low and blue with no love from the left or right.
New pics show Weiner excited
Latest Republican masterstrokes have Weiner close to finished

I could go much more over the top but this is a family channel! Well, no, it is not but I am pretty sure people read it who might be disappointed if I break out a pussycat joke!!!

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