Couple quick reviews... the Catamount X-country ski center is ok but there is not nearly enough terrain to justify $15/person. It is like a track, you just go around in circles? True Grit was pretty solid. The female lead was very good, Jeff Bridges was very crusty, and Matt Damon was appropriately dooshy. 1 3/4 thumbs up. well worth it.
Ok... back to the good stuff. Do you think after the 120th question about his recent offseason, Ben Rothlehdkjhahsburger is finally going to snap and scream, "That is it! This is F*ing Super Bowl Week! If I get one more personal question I am going to rape you!!!".
Where the f**k do these Egyptians keep finding rocks to throw? They are on paved streets? Is there a rock stand next to the falafel guy? Do you need a permit for that?
6" of snow shut the city of Burlington down today. We live in Vermont. It snows every year. In fact 8 of 12 months we have snow. Yet, every time it snows it is like the first time we have ever seen it? What, are we all a bunch of Drew Barrymores in 50 First Dates? Like the obscure reference?
Speaking of 6". Wait, maybe I will walk away from that joke.
I know that I eliminated D-Bag of the week but I am re instituting it for just this week... the candidates are standing right behind me. T-Pain, Dick, Birminghamandcheese, KII. Apparently I do not post enough these days. I am busy working... and drinking... and today, farting!
Hey it's Groundhog Day! The Groundhog did not see his shadow so spring is coming! Of course it is very difficult to see your shadow when you are buried under 4 feet of snow. And are a nearly blind ground burrowing animal.
If you ever have the opportunity to try the chicken meatball special at the City Market? Don't! Right away we got a B-teamer making our sandwiches the other day. The first problem was that he did not know how to make a meatball sub. Isn't that sandwich making 101... chapter 2 right after peanut butter and jelly? Second, the greasy hippy was coughing all over our food. At that point we should have walked away. But no... at that point it was go time. The sandwich had ok flavor but was cold and had very little marinara. It also stuck w/ me well into the night. Gross.
It's funny, Brittney Spears and Lindsay Lohan use drugs, get seen at parties drunk, and hook up w/ random actors or other guys and they are not only sent to rehab but are put in the custody of their parents. Charlie Sheen blows a suitcase full of coke w/ strippers and hookers and he gets a new family drama on CBS and a high five! (just kidding, he has to go to rehab before the high five... those trashy girls!!!). I think that kid in the pic above is pissed the hot dog guy only had 32 dogs in the bin!
I think I am done... I have a 4 hour (3 mile) drive home!
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