I recently took shit from my boss for a bad post and a few folks for being negative. Well, I think that is a result of a lack of passion. It happens. To remedy I am going to try a new road, one for me sort or Robert Frost like... less travelled if you will... this is a post of the things Jaybird really likes in life.
I like... cold beer, basketball, watching my wife sleep, playing 1 on 1 on 1 w/ my dad and brother, watching movies on the big screen w/ the volume turned way up, listening to my sometimes buttoned up buddy K-Dog let loose w/ a really good laugh, telling dirty jokes w/ DW at work, travelling w/ my special lady, snowboarding w/ JB and PM, going VT style w/ Purc. and JN, seeing my mother have a pleasant stress free day where she laughs out loud, talking shit to my boss (who did not like my LV post) over vodkas, golfing on a sunny day, spending a lazy Sunday watching the Red Sox, getting a nice booze buzz on a Saturday afternoon (sometimes), messing w/ my cat, banter back and forth w/ T-InPain (eventually my comedy writing partner), mowing the lawn w/ the John Deere, the easy casual relationship the Birds have w/ the Pumas, not shaving for 2 weeks, walking on the beach and rolling in the warm sand, swearing, peeing outside, using a chainsaw, speeding, listening to the Grateful Dead on a sunny day in the car, Hendrick's Martinis, wandering around NYC in the spring, hanging and joking, and laughing with my all too good and cool and forgiving friends, watching my nephew grow, holidays with my very family (both reg rights and in laws), turning down the lights and turning up the record player, writing my blog, Final 4 hoops, digging a hole on Lucy Vincent w/ JM the big time movie guy, eating really good food, talking about really good food, weddings, dinner club, movie club, falling asleep on the couch, my slippers, a flat screen TV, Batman comics, watering the indoor plants, growing herb garden, weed whacking, a satisfying dump, meeting the Frog-styles for dinner in Paris, picking out art for the house, trashy movies, reading Hemingway, reading US magazine, sleeping in on the weekends, challenging myself to make straight cash homey, Phish concerts, YouTube, porn, bubblegum, pizza, hamburgers, Stone IPA, chopping wood, The Godfather, Star Wars, Family Guy, telling a joke and watching my special lady shake her head but laugh, listening to cool tunes at Pos place, playing w/ our friends kids, lounging at camp, cursing at bad drivers, drinking Guinness at the Plough and Stars, punching A Lop in the head, the Vineyard, sitting in front of a fire, my mother's paintings, my father's looping lefty layup I have never been able to block, my brother's good spirit, drink wine at Christmas w/ my father in law, it's your night bro!, my bed at home, messing w/ JBis, getting messed w/ by S Macacacacac you oughta know by now! Vicarious living through Scotty Mustache, beers at Flatbread, Hen of the Wood, Gramercy Tavern, mexican food, tank tops, fake boobs on TV, ESPN, Boomer, hot wings, my Audi... oh man.... I am getting tired.
The moral of the story, is I enjoy; my wife, my family, my friends, my coworkers, and my life. Just not the service in Burlington!!!!