Well, the Internet is back. I will tell you something... I think tonight is a Michelob night because some days are better than others and today is definitely one of those days!!! I can drink it along w/ my turd sandwich that managed to come a day early this week!
Here is a review, Rooney's. It used to be called Anything's Pastable and is located off of Church Street in Burlington. I only go there once every 4-5 months and yesterday was that day. First off the owner is a doosh. He is really friendly if you are a vendor or a woman. If you are a regular guy, he turns into Mel from that show Alice. My major issue with the place is that while the sandwiches look good and taste pretty good... I ALWAYS get sick after I eat one. One time I watched the guy sneeze all over his hands and then make my sandwich. Now, clearly I am the idiot for eating it but sure enough I caught a cold the next day. Yesterday? Well I ate the sandwich and was not super happy about it but all seemed well. 4 hours later I was driving up Pearl Street when nature not only called... it called collect! I had to rip into a parking lot and run into a UVM building to evacuate what usually requires a priest to get rid of. I have not been right since. 2 thumbs down... until November I guess.
Big win for our soccer team last night, 6-0. Very satisfying. No, I didn't score. I am an enforcer!
What else... nothing I guess, just trying to make it through one of the worst times I can remember in terms of spirit. Economy sucks, government sucks, weather sucks, foreign relations suck, Rooney's sucks. Sucking sucks. I need to invent a f*ing "jump to conclusions map", or a pet rock. That guy mad a million dollars!
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