Spent the weekend w/ the in laws. Usually, it is not that daunting for me as I really like my wife's family. This weekend was a little overwhelming though. Possibly my already somewhat fragile mental state played a part. I was able to shoot one of my best rounds of golf ever though posting an 86 in a "shamble" format. Everyone hits a drive, you all use the best drive and then play your own ball the rest of the way. It was a beautiful day. We took a carload down to Conn. w/ sister, her boyfriend, and another pal. It was wild and wacky!!! BTW, my name is Gene, I am from Germantown, and I drink Gin... in case you were wondering. We also had a couple of very fine meals including home cooked ribs and wonderful garlic braised brussel sprouts.
On Saturday we packed into the living room and took in the Nick Cage action extravaganza Next on the in laws new 58" Panasonic HDTV (complete w/ blue ray disc player). After a little battle w/ the speakers, and audio in general (and by little I mean I was almost kicked out of the family for trying to start a steel cage match w/ several family members), we were treated to one of the best pictures I have ever seen. You could really see Cage's hair plugs! Plus Jessica Beil's boobs were life size, BOO-YEAH!!! The movie itself wasn't half bad. There was a semblance of a story, great special effects, and it was less sucky than say... GhostRider! 1 future telling thumb up.
The ride home was also a treat. Leaf peeping galore! We also were treated to a sighting of Tater's Pizzaria. Too bad we had already eaten!
One little item from the BTV area. Roque's has a new name, Madera's! Of course the food is the same, the drinks are the same, and the decor is the same. We were having a fine time the other night laughing, joking, eating a halfway decent fajita burrito... and then? The jack asses gave us our bill and as our host was writing the tip they claimed we were being too loud, customers were complaining, and we had to leave! One, we were leaving anyway. Two, it is a f*ing Mexican place not fine dining... it is supposed to be loud. Third, no one complained to us? Needless to say, the tip was drastically reduced and they were lucky to get anything more than the bird. 2 ginormous thumbs down and a temporary ban!!!
Hey, 940 up on the Dow yesterday? Guess Columbus discovered a sack full of money and his stock broker! Shazam!!!!
Well like I always say, better late than never! (yeah, I say that... that and the F-word, I say that alot too)
On Saturday we packed into the living room and took in the Nick Cage action extravaganza Next on the in laws new 58" Panasonic HDTV (complete w/ blue ray disc player). After a little battle w/ the speakers, and audio in general (and by little I mean I was almost kicked out of the family for trying to start a steel cage match w/ several family members), we were treated to one of the best pictures I have ever seen. You could really see Cage's hair plugs! Plus Jessica Beil's boobs were life size, BOO-YEAH!!! The movie itself wasn't half bad. There was a semblance of a story, great special effects, and it was less sucky than say... GhostRider! 1 future telling thumb up.
The ride home was also a treat. Leaf peeping galore! We also were treated to a sighting of Tater's Pizzaria. Too bad we had already eaten!
One little item from the BTV area. Roque's has a new name, Madera's! Of course the food is the same, the drinks are the same, and the decor is the same. We were having a fine time the other night laughing, joking, eating a halfway decent fajita burrito... and then? The jack asses gave us our bill and as our host was writing the tip they claimed we were being too loud, customers were complaining, and we had to leave! One, we were leaving anyway. Two, it is a f*ing Mexican place not fine dining... it is supposed to be loud. Third, no one complained to us? Needless to say, the tip was drastically reduced and they were lucky to get anything more than the bird. 2 ginormous thumbs down and a temporary ban!!!
Hey, 940 up on the Dow yesterday? Guess Columbus discovered a sack full of money and his stock broker! Shazam!!!!
Well like I always say, better late than never! (yeah, I say that... that and the F-word, I say that alot too)
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