Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Not For Nothing...

Here in the Northeast we have been hit by our first substantial snow of the season. One thing blows my mind each winter; I live in VT where the average annual snowfall can be measured in feet. Sure, it ain't Utah but it's not like we don't see snow... each and every f*ing year!!! So with that in mind, why is it that every year when the snow falls for the first time folks in this area drive as if they have never seen it before?!?!?!? My co-worker K-Dogg nailed it, there are 2 types of drivers. Those that drive 2MPH at the first sight of a snowflake... and the other ya-yos (generally rolling in a minivan) that are driving 90 in 2 feet of the white stuff!! On my way into work the other day I followed this doughhead driving 15 in a 40 in the passing lane with one little circle to see out of on the windshield (the defroster was not working apparently). I finally had to pull into the right lane to go around... only to nearly get T-boned by an ass in a minivan who decided they couldn't wait to turn out of a parking lot into 2 lanes of 40mph (except that 1 person) of oncoming traffic!!! Good times. On the bright side the minivan did not notice my horn honk or extended middle finger and disapproving head shake because they were busy eating a doughnut while talking on their cellphone. I need to get me one of those minivans you can steer WITH YOUR MIND!!!!!!

OK, that's enough of that. Here is a little gem for you that you might have missed in its extensive 4 day run at the theater... "The In-Laws", starring Michael Douglas and Albert Brooks. From time to time I run into this movie on TBS or HBO 8 and every time I get sucked in. It is ridiculous and hilarious. Douglas is way over the top and Brooks is mailing it in like a UPS driver. The combo is amazing. I won't ruin it but the whole "Fat Cobra" scene w/ Vladimer Radian cracks me up... So if you need a significant other rental option... take a chance, you might find it cracks your guilty pleasure rotation.

Now I have to build up some internal fortitude and go home, my wife wanted me to go to a "Project Runway" party tonight and I shot it down... BIGTIME. So I might be in a little trouble. But it will be manly toughguy trouble!

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