OK, as a confirmed tough guy I am defined by my very masculine posts... that said, not sure if it was a movie, a song, a drunk moment... this being the Internet I hope we just hope we have a record of history? Well, if there is a history of J About Town, it must have a hieroglyphic w/ reference to my father... let's call him Don. It was actually The Grinch Who Stole Christmas that got me a thinkin'! Odd no? I am a confirmed Mama's boy... My wife? She is the gravity who holds me to this earth, I love her more than this blog will hold. My Dad? He taught me how to be a man! He taught me how to throw and catch, he taught me how to run, showed me music... albums!!! My father taught me how to treat other people, he taught me respect for my mother and women. To be fair; these lessons are ongoing and, w/ some the teaching always evolves and w/ some I am always learning the nuances. That said... when watching a silly cartoon about a lout w/ a heart of gold, I thought of this crazy character that also is a silly character w/a heart of gold. My old man has turned into an a sappy old bird who forwards the sappy spam you would to avoid. You know what? I don't care! A funny cat who loves his wife family and is not afraid to share it? If that is wrong... I don't wanna' be right!!!!!! Extra bonus... my father in law is a good guy too. Hoping to become a good dad myself. Don't like my posts... F**** you... start your own blog. You can be as cool as you are...chief.
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