Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Jay About X-Men... Days of blah blah blah

So I gave myself a pre-father's day gift the other day and went to the movies. It was pretty pleasant. I had no one to look after, chase, entertain... my kids were not there either (just kidding). So I only had a limited window and the one movie I wanted to see that fit the window was X-Men. Sorry Gojira. Generally, I like super hero movies, the X-Men, and I quite enjoyed the last one and the recent reboot. That unfortunately led me into this movie w/ lofty expectations. Well, the movie was fine and entertaining enough but it was not great. There were too many characters, the villain situation was not compelling, and it was just convoluted as a story. I doubt I would watch it again. I liked Superman better. So, suck it Marvel nerds. I would still give it a thumb up, it was fine and enjoyable as a big theater movie. Good gift to myself I guess.

Father's Day itself? Well, mine are young. It is all work everyday. They fussed all morning to the point a lunch out was off the table. We got sandwiches for a picnic on a delightful summer day. My son and daughter grabbed the pickles and gummed the shit out of them while running around the yard splashing in a bucket of old water or tossing around dirt in the herb garden. I deconstructed a sandwich for them to eat. Instead, they sauntered over to my lady and I and tore into ours making a giant mess and just chowing on the bread. My wife had to pound her wine so they would not steal it and I was playing constant defense on my beer. The coup de grace was when my little girl brought over a bucket of dirt and tossed the last decent half sandwich in it. I love my kids, they are real pissers. I think my mother likes this little bit of karma. The day improved as it wore on. They cheered up and we played a bit.

Another quick review... the "Toot" book by Leslie Patricelli. My kids love it and so do I. My wife thinks it is slightly uncouth. 2 thumbs up... toot toot!

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