Monday, August 13, 2012

Well, That is Dumb

In the April issue of Runner's World there is a large article about eating red meat to build muscle and strengthen your body.  That's good.  About 20 pages later there is an article about losing weight and red meat is a major non no.  That is bad.  Why was I reading this magazine in the first place?  It was in the crapper at work.  I find this to be pretty typical of the mag though.  Confused as to who and what it is trying to target and ultimately making me confused about how to take care of their body.  Unlike me who is a shining beacon of physical fitness!!

How about Paul Ryan huh?  I certainly don't know that guy personally but his public persona makes him seem like a huge asshole.  Smug, weaselly, untrustworthy.  Pretty typical move to the far right to appease a constituent base that probably cannot carry a full election.  Ryan strikes me as the kid who would totally rat you out in college for drinking in your dorm room. It is interesting but there are emerging parallels between Mitt and our old pal Howard Dean.  As a governor, Dean was moderate to somewhat conservative for a democrat.  Mitt was often seen as very liberal for a republican... especially when it came to social issues.  When he got to the national stage Dean bowed to the wishes of the liberal faction within his party and became a far left winger radical.  He pandered to the loud voices in the party and lost the majority of America who are not interested in extreme political views that exclude other voices and shout down competing opinions.  Mitt is now making the same move to the far right because he is worried about losing the money from the far right, even though that may ultimately cost him in the general election.  Unlike Bush II, Obama has not f*d up quite enough to make the move that far right.  It seems like a moderate who will not spend us into oblivion but will also not make radical changes to our social programs would have a real shot to unseat a president who is making enough mistakes to be beaten but has done enough right (Osama) to not just give it away.  So be careful Mitt... You might piss off Florida, you might piss off Ohio, you might piss off New Jersey... HHHHYYYYAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

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