Monday, August 1, 2011

How about that debt ceiling huh?!

OK, first thing is first... we had a lovely weekend at the in-laws that included boats and golf and Bit-O-Honeys.  We got to meet our new nephew RBS who was very cute.  We even had a very nice supper club meal w/ an off the look fried tomato lobster dish (even though my wife tried to start a fight beforehand). 

However, there was a weight that has hung over the whole weekend, the whole summer really.  The f*ing government and this damned debt ceiling thing.  Ever since Billy Clinton spooged on that intern and lost hid grip on shit the government has spiralled out of control.  We got a Republican controlled WH and Congress in the mix and what did they do?  They spent more money than a New Jersey woman in Stowe w/ a credit card (on fudge)!  Isn't the whole point of being conservative to be... conservative?!  Then we get Obama who is a stone killer, of both Usama and the economy!!!  Worst of all is that between the Tea Party and A-holes like Bernie Sanders on the left, the world of politics has become nothing more than a vitriolic pit of backstabbing and insults.  Every time one of these pieces of shit gets in front of the press they have nothing progressive to say.  Instead they spend their soundbites putting down the opposite party in order to further their aspirations for the next election.  Nothing gets done inter-election, it is all a big show for the next guaranteed paycheck in 4 years!!!  The fact is we need increased taxes AND decreased spending specifically in the land of entitlements.  We have pledged money we do not have and are unwilling to make difficult choices.  Yeah, paying more taxes sucks.  But if we all have to pay a little more it will be more palatable.  The real issue is employment.  How much tax do you pay if you are out of work?  Not much right?  For the moment I have a job and would be willing to pay a little more if it gets our balance sheet more healthy and we can build confidence in order to take a chance at creating more jobs.  There is cash out there but companies do not want to spend it until there is more order in the world.  All of the inter-party sniping has created chaos which keeps spenders on the sidelines.  I might get hunted by secret service for insulting the prez but...
F*ck you Boehner!  F*ck you Reid!  F*ck you Pawlenty!  F*ck you Bernie!  F*ck you Bachman!  F*ck you Pelosi!  F*ck you Cantor!  F*ck you Biden!  And F*ck you to the rest of you assholes!!!  We are tired of you and your jerky attitudes.  Get together and fix problems and you will win your elections and gain our respect.  Act like pretty children and you will gain our scorn.  Jay, what are you going to do about it?  I am going to vote for myself.  I am the only asshole I trust!  

While I am handing out F-U's... John Heyman over at CnnSI.  F*ck you.  I cannot believe such a Yankee homer gets a major column in a major publication.  You really thought the Sox were bigger losers than your precious Yankees?  Hey, guess what, your pitching staff sucks and Bedard is better as our number 5 starter than your number 2 Burnett or Bartolo the Hut.  But, you liked the Brewrs getting K-Rod who they did not really need, will hurt their chemistry, and has not been that good in a couple of years?  Sure... why not just run w/ your first draft where the Yanks where the big winner for getting that fifth starter... oh no they didn't do that.  Oh yeah, for getting that big bat.... That didn't happen either?  They must have gotten younger?  No? Fortified the bullpen?  No?  Oh right, they got a 5yrs over the hill Eric Chavez back from the DL!!! Bravo!!!!

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