Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jay About the Movies...

Ok... couple quick things before we get to the movies.  One there was a rumor that a Libyan missile hit a navy ship.  I happen to have the exclusive footage (hope nobody actually got hurt, seriously). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiORvK-v3ys&feature=player_embedded#at=55

So apparently the cool new thing to do for big timers is to screw random women.  I do not condone this and I am very much against anything remotely close to rape.  That said, for a guy like Tiger or the Terminator, way back in the day Kennedy was was a cheater, Magic was a cheater, Jordan was a cheater, Eisenhower... well, maybe not.  The difference in my mind is that back then there was no internet for one.  Secondly, Kennedy was having sex w/ Marylin Monroe... Tiger got down w/ a waitress at I-Hop.  Nobody can defend that.  Nobody.

On to the movies!  Friday night my special lady and I had a pizza and settled in for Black Swan which I was really looking forward to.  The previews looked good, the reviews were good, there was Portman/Kunis making out to look forward to.  Well, it was not terrible but the movie was really nothing special.  I had to fight to stay awake and it was not nearly as creepy, sexy, awesome as it had been promoted to be.  Go see The Fighter or True Grit and do yourself a solid.

Ok, Sunday it was raining as usual so we hit up the theater. The movie du jour?  Thor!!  I like comic book movies, I just do, sue me.  This one had a big nobody in Chris Helmsworth as Thor, and second helping of Natalie Portman as the stereotypical sexy scientist that does not actually exist, Hannibal Lecter as Odin, and a bunch of other random people including Striker from the The Wire as a weird blind gate keeper?  My lady liked the movie for the action the love story and the shirtless Helmsworth and who am I to disagree?! Just kidding, I am all man!  The action was pretty good and the movie was reasonable length but managed to tell a somewhat sensible story in those 2 hours.  It was a very solid rainy day big screen movie although I am not sure it is winning any Golden Globe awards.  I would say that if you like that genre check it out, you can even take your special someone, unless they are an absolute stick in the mud in which case you probably are not allowed to go to the movies and are probably at Bed Bath and Beyond or a bridal shower on Sundays.  Ha ha !!!


Dad said...

Is there anything you need while I am at Bed Bath & Beyond.

J-Bird said...

grill jockey w/ head fan?