Woke up Saturday w/ a pretty solid hangover, then my first 2 days of work were marred by technical difficulties and random silliness that pretty much started 2011 the way 2010 ended. On the plus side my special lady and I are shooting for a week on the wagon to clean up and start the year right. We have had 2 meat free dinners and not a drop of booze so far. I feel slightly agitated though it is hard to drawn any causal relationships as people have been pissing me off this week.
One bright spot from the weekend was a little trip over to Winooski for some Vietnamese. We stopped into a new place Pho Pasteur for a little chow. It was a little touch and go at first as the place was empty but we decided to press on. Good move. We started w/ a spring roll and although it was a little light on the basil and cilantro, the shrimp which is often very rubbery was quite fresh. We then each had a pho. My lady went w/ the vegetarian w/ tofu which was pretty good and I had the rare beef which had a ton of flavor. They presented both w/ a plate of fresh basil, cilantro, and pea shoots which was nice. We also had a so so cup of jasmine tea. The decor was nothing to call home about but it never is in one of these places. The service was very friendly, the bill cheap, and the food was good. It was a nice way to spend a cold damp Sunday. 1 2/3rds thumbs up.
If I pull my hammy playing b-ball tonight I might have to write off 2011 early!
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