I have decided to become a fake werewolf! My special lady and I were flipping through channels last night and ran across what seemed like an inordinate amount of shows about vampires? One was about the "vampire culture", another was top 10 vampires in movies and TV, I am sure more than a couple random crappy vampire TV shows like True Blood or Buffy the Vampire Slayer were somewhere in the mix. The one show that really got me was the one about vampire culture. All these nerds were dressed up like vampires w/ fake hair and makeup and fangs and I got to thinking... why couldn't I jump on the fake werewolf bandwagon ahead of the rush?! I mean the new movie is coming out soon w/ Benicio del Toro, and they are gaining prominence in that stupid teen vampire movie. A TV show is soon to follow on HBO and then BAM!!!! Werewolf mania!!! I will dress up like a furry werewolf. I will start a website for people who think they are a werewolf and want to get into the lifestyle. Next thing you know, I will be on some A&E special. DON'T STEAL MY IDEA!!!!! Werewolf.
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