So the other day I was rolling into work and started to get aggravated by the other morons on the road. Quick aside... I saw a woman flossing while driving the other day. FLOSSING!!!! In the act of flossing, your 2 hands are effectively tied together. It is like a prison breakout for f*ck sake. Anyway... the other day I had big oil truck camped out in the passing lane, assorted soccer moms weaving and yelling at their kinds in the backseat, and of course a few teenagers on their cellphones putting every one's life at risk. Oh yeah, the old man crossing guard on 4 lane rt. 7 that always motions for everyone to slow down... flipped that doosh off. So I finally get to the office and as usual 1 elevator (of 2) is broken so I have to wait forever and then fill into the cattle car w/ 75 other people. I get up to my desk only to have a co-worker tell me I left my headlights on so I have to wait for the elevator ride down, turn the light off and then wait, cram in, and stop at all 8 floors on my way back to our office. I am pretty ticked off at this point. So work is going fine until mid day when I let a coworker talk me into going to New Moon for lunch. To be fair, my wife likes New Moon for a sit down to do work while having a coffee or a bite to eat. I hate the place and this day was a perfect example as to why. JB and I roll in at the same time. He goes to the salad line, I go to the sandwich line. There are naturally only 3 people working even though it is busy and lunchtime. So I watch JB get waited on... I am next in line and the only one in the sandwich line. So naturally the next open server asks who's nest, walks right by me and waits on the tourists who happily cut me in line. I then watch 2 other folks in the "salad" line cut me and order sandwiches. Now I don't like the food at New Moon, it is pedestrian at best and all of it is grossly overpriced. Throw in terrible service and the tourist line cut factor? I lost my shit. While using all of my strength not to either yell out an F-Bomb, or chew one of the waiters or cutters... I walk out. This is not the first time I have waled out w/out food from this dump. Of course I am ultimately the idiot for going back. So there you go... worst lunch place in VT.
Needless to say my day did not get any better. That is, until I got home. My special lady was out to dinner so when I saw her headlights coming up the driveway I hid. Then as she got to the door I jumped out and scarred the crap out of her! So that was pretty fun. How is my day going today? Fine... I am just plotting my revenge on New Moon. Thinking about going and standing in line but not ordering anything... just standing there and farting. Farting...
I like New Moon and there are many places far worse for lunch in B-town.
I am sorry, but your vote has been discounted
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