So I will admit first and foremost that this was not my favorite season of 24 (7 this year?). I missed a few, slept through one or two, it was just not terribly gripping. I will not give any details away in the event one of the 4 of you that reads this Tivo'd the show for a later viewing but I will say this... I wish I had those 2 hours of my life back, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. I mean, the show is moving into soap opera/bad Alias final season/every other good dramatic series that has run its course. Eventually the story is just over. A movie is 2 hours, even a trilogy is maybe 9 all in? A 7 season TV show like this is what, 24 1 hour episodes? Even w/ commercials, that is 18 hours *7=126 hours of story. Hey, I give the writers and producers credit for coming up w/ even a half way entertaining show at this point. How many terrorists can you you defeat? They have set next season to somehow feature at least 1 resurrection, and the possibility of an alien and/or Vatican conspiracy. Boo-Yeah! Will I watch season 8? Yeah, probably. At some point next season will I lose interest and watch reruns of Seinfeld that I have already seen 12 times? 60/40 my money says yes!!! Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...
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