Furley... Roper... Mano y Mano in the Three's Company throwdown! In one corner you have Mr. Furley played by the immortal Don Knots; in the other, Mr. Roper played by Norman Fell. Furley rocked an amazing jumpsuit often accompanied by a sick scarf. The looks of shock and dismay? Priceless! The voice, pure Knotts! Roper on the other hand perfected the old man perv shtick. He was the master of the double entendre and always made you feel a little uncomfortable in all interaction w/ the younger ladies. Other than Larry Dallas, there were no more important members to the cast of Three's Company. So who wins this showdown? Chime in!!!
Furley. Roper alway made me think of the kind of guy who drilled holes in the wall to see naked chicks. Plus his wife scared me.
true enough... that was the magic of Roper though!
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