Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It's a Sports Post!

I suppose I could talk about how we sort of celebrated Easter but that really just comprised of the kids tearing up baskets (which they really enjoyed), eating dirt, and us not dressing up enough?! It was a nice day and I am thankful for that.

What I am actually going to spout off about is a recent comparison of Lebron James to Larry Bird. An ESPN personality I don't actually have too much respect for, Jemele Hill was the Lebron proponent. She talked up his athletic ability and scoring prowess as well as his basketball IQ and defensive abilities. Michael Smith took the Larry Legend side and did a shitty job of it basically saying "because I said so". It was a crappy ill prepared debate which I have come to expect at ESPN.

Now I tend to think athletes just keep getting better because science, training, and experience help us revise our games and bodies. Old timers can say what they want but Shaq would absolutely destroy Russell and Wilt the same way Lebron would dominate the 70s and maybe even the 80s. Bird was a pretty big dude in his day playing a solid power forward at 6'9" 220lbs. Lebron is a 2 guard at 6'8" 250!  30 more pounds and it is all muscle. So yeah, put a guy now back in time they probably dominate the game... but that does not make them better in context. Why is it that Shaq gets no respect for his gaudy numbers? Pundits say his game was limited and he only dominated because of his freakish physical abilities. Is that not the case w/ Lebron?

Now Bird and James have incredibly similar stats. Lebron scores more but Bird was a better rebounder. They had similar shooting stats and assists. This is where Bird comes out as a more complete player though... Bird could score all over the court. He shot 20pts better from 3 point land and 140pts better from the free throw line. He took long jumpers, short jumpers, could scrap under the rim... Lebron dunks. That was Jemele's argument, that he is devastating taking it to the basket. Agreed... but that is such a limited skill. San Antonio is figuring it out and so is Indiana, pack the lane. That is how you defend Lebron, pack the lane. He cannot shoot consistently from beyond 8 feet. Bird could shoot from your living room.

Does Lebron defend better? Yeah one on one but that is a mark of increased athleticism. It counts but does not trump all. How about the fact the league now has more teams and generally watered down talent comparatively due to expansion and lack of skill gleaned in college? Sure, Bird played w/ McHale, Parrish, and DJ... but he played against Magic, Kareem, and Worthy. Or Dr. J, Moses, and Barkley. Or Isiah, Dumars, and Rodman.  Lebron has Wade and Bosh and plays against... Durant, Westbrook and whoever else they have. or 82 year old Tim Duncan and the international team. Not exactly the same thing.

AT the end of the day you may take Lebron because he has evolution on his side. I would probably take Lebron, Jordan, Shaq, Durant, and Duncan... but are they really contextually better than Russell, Magic, Bird, Jordan, and Wilt? F*** no. So here are the Lebron dunk highlights vs the Bird I do everything highlights. Enjoy.  OH, Lebron is a better flopper. Bird don't flop for no one.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cJAMdFpR99g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/YVSI1_eVuhs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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