Bagged my first goal AND yellow card of the season last night. Pretty solid. I wish there was something fun to report on the local food scene but there isn't. One thing I can update is a little take on Zen Gardens. If you are looking for a quiet crowd of 5-8 senior citizens, an empty bar (devoid of bartender as well), and possible e-coli poisoning? Yeah, head on down to Zen Gardens and get in touch w/ your inner peace... via your insides.
I would like to send out congrats to TH on his engagement, and PH on house closing, and belated to SM on acceptance to ORE. for his PHD... what a BMOC!!! All big steps and very exciting.
Oh, here is a revue... of Staples. My special lady and I went to Staples to pick up... wait for it... some office supplies! In the mix was a printer as ours had reached its shelf life 20 minutes and promptly crapped out so it was time to upgrade. We spent about an hour perusing the 50 printers and even got some help from the 12 year old kid who seemed to be working there. We bought the thing at what seemed like a reasonable price and headed home. Well, I spent the better part of Sunday trying to get the f*cker to print. The wireless system did not work, then it did not work w/ a USB cable, then it did but only on 1 computer, then it did on both laptops, then the printer would not turn off! Of course at that point the scanner and the photo option no longer worked. This printer is less than 1 day old mind you. Yeah, technology kicks ass!!! So now I get on the phone w/ Pakistan to try and fix my little problem. After figuring out the language barrier I am passed through a screening process and a lackey before an engineer goes through several steps and an hour before finally deciding that he had never seen this kind of issue and would be happy to send me a new one... except they (HP the manufacturer) are out of that model. OK, Ramesh could still send me a rebate... how much did I pay for the printer. $129. $129? that is impossible, we at HP sell it for $79.99. WTF?!?!?! So I not only got a busted printer but i overpaid by $40?!?! F****!!!! Well, needless to say I was pretty pissed off. My lady and I then got in a fight about the printer which was fun. She was nice and took it back so now I get to go home tonight and try to set up the new one. Fun times. Staples, you get 2 huge thumbs DOWN!!!!
Oh yeah, nich shirt TH, matched your wizard hat!
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