So the new Obama plan is to tax banks in an effort to recoup U.S. tax dollars spent through the TARP program. In the small print is the sticky fact that these banks already paid back the money they borrowed. in fact, many never wanted the money in the first place but had it foisted upon them. Now, the government thinks they should not only pay what they owed but pay in money that other shitty companies such as AIG and GM owe. So the moral of the story is that if you try to de-risk, get your house in order, and then become successful... you are on the hook to cover the deadbeats who have no intention of cleaning up their act. AIG has repeatedly spit in the face of the government and the taxpayer, making it perfectly clear that they will do whatever the f*ck they want and because they are too big to fail there is not a damned thing we can do about it. Except tax someone else. Why should JP Morgan pay more money because AIG sucks? Seriously, Obama?! This is your plan for change?! And are we really surprised that this administration is so left leaning after that is exactly how they marketed themselves all along? So now the president and congress are imploding as a result of overly liberal policies opening the door for the conservatives to come in and clean house... and then f*ck up by instituting ridiculously conservative policies?!?! Why can't we just use some sense and find a middle ground? What is wrong w/ that?So good for you Obama! Tax those bankers and then pass through the costs to the consumer, and then you can kill consumer spending, wealthy consumer spending, any chance for an increase in employment, by extension New York, and everything below. Good plan, this is the "change" we needed!!!!
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