I cannot really get to everything... I mean, if I wrote this post yesterday instead of watching football all day maybe but what am I, a miracle worker?! So, quickly... seriously, Obamamania needs to stop running wild before we become Japan 2.0. Who is advising this guy, GW? Every time time the president opens his mouth, and that is every day, the market takes a hit. He wants to save the economy by cutting it off at the knees? OK, captain populist, do you know who will provide loans to small business and individuals enabling them to hire more workers? After you kill the banking sector... NOBODY!!!
Nice work Brett Favmnvjhvjlhvavre... you have ended your career 3 times w/ interceptions, that has to be some kind of record. I think even that fortune teller Cleo saw yesterday's implosion coming. Of course then you have the J-E-T-S jets jets jets... they played well in the first half, but Manning is just too quick making decisions. And yet, Rex Ryan is still yapping. It is one thing to talk when you win but when you get beat down, bad, shut the f*ck up!!
OK, back to my DC trip. So I stayed at a little boutique the Donovan House which is a Thompson hotel. I did not spend that much time there but it was fine. Pretty clean, spacious enough, inexpensive. 2 things... one the shower shaped like a snail shell was weird and got cold, two, I prefer a top sheet as opposed to just a duvet. 1 1/4 thumb up unless they raise $$. We went to dinner the first night I was there at Marcel's. It was pretty solid. We were a bit off the run location wise so the place was far from full but the food was solid and the service was excellent. You had the choice of 3,4,5,7 course meals or a-la-carte. I started w/ a simple green salad which was nice, then had a Rouget which are these little white fish all fried up nice and crispy. They were delicious. My main course was this sausage that had 4 kinds of fowl in it. The consistency was like tofu but it had a great crispy outside and really fantastic flavor. Plus the size was right for the flavor intensity. 1 2/3 thumbs up, I liked it, would go back. The next night we hit up the Occidental Grill. This was straight up steak joint. Service was very good from an ultra professional bartender to a courteous and well versed waitstaff. We had a bunch of apps that included solid mussels, good carpaccio, a pepperoni that was good, and other stuff I just piled on my plate and went for! Dinner we rocked fillet w/ a crab cake. The steak was well cooked and had nice flavor and the crab cake was pretty ok. To finish up a couple of us went w/ the espresso while my buddy Puma rocked the Mexican coffee. Did we make fun of him? You bet we did! 1 1/2 thumbs up, mostly on great service and company. After that? Well, I would rather not talk about it.
The last thing of course was the flight situation. US Air. Flight down was very pleasant. The flight back? Well... I had a hangover, the flight took off late, and I had the Jerry Maguire kid next to me kicking me elbowing me, and yelling in my ear the whole time. I almost punched a 7 yr old. I was close. Actually, I wanted to grab him by the legs and whack his sister... yup, someday I will make an exceptional parent!!!