Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Not sure f*cking what the Government is doing w/ this fiscal cliff stuff.  Really, you both just basically were told by the American people that you are on thin ice and are going to be even bigger d-bags in 2013?  Solid work my friends.

12-12-12... freaky. Not really, it had to happen.  Is there any chance that there really was no beginning of time or the universe and that it has just been going forever and that the concept of time is really just a construct of our mind?  Nope, I have not smoked pot today. No acid either.

I wanted the first Pope tweet to be a really dumb personal philosophy or a bikini shot on Instagram like other celebrity tweets. Speaking of a pope in a bikini... here is Lauren Pope.  I don't know who that is and I think my wife will not be impressed w/ this.

Am I happy about the no name Sox this season?  I am indifferent which is better than loathing them like last year.  Could be worse, we could have a steroid adjusted average age of 62 like the 2013 Yankees.  Apparently Don Mattingly was unwilling to switch to third so they had to pick up Youk.  I loved him w/ the Sox but his bat is slowing pretty bad.  Happens when you don't juice and play balls out all the time, your body wears down.  After the PED years we have forgotten how a normal human body reacts to physical stress (A-Rod I am looking at your chalk like hip joints).

That Bo Jackson 30 for 30 show on ESPN was pretty good.  They do a really nice job w/ those.  When I was a kid I read his autobiography that Dick Schapp helped w/.  It was not a good book but was interesting.  I also remember being so excited to see him play at Fenway.  He didn't do shit in the game (I think Jody Reed of all people hit a home run that day), but he crushed these unbelievable bombs during batting practice.  And when he played football?  It was ridiculous.  The guy was an alien. Was a great athlete and a shooting star. Like a rock star, better he blow up than to fade away.

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