Friday, July 13, 2012

Like a Tomb

I work at what used to be a trading desk.  It is more of a client service/ general portfolio management services firm.  You expect subtle differences in style without a doubt.  It is dead quiet here.  People get upset when you make noise.  When people get on the phone (infrequently) it is in hushed tones.  Pretty big change of pace.  I am sort of a big personality (and very good looking)  so this is hard for me to integrate with.  All I can here is the tip tap of keyboard strokes and once in a while a hushed conversation.  Even the TV;s have the volume off so you watch CNBC but have no idea what they are saying.  I am afraid to fart... one, because I might shit myself... two because everyone on my floor will hear it!!!

BTW, thx KB/DG the dinner last week was delicious as always and the gellato Talenti?  To die for w/ it's silky texture and delicious flavor!  Bravo!!!  Of course KB, you Words W/ Friends skills are not at smooth.  Hahahhahahahahaha!!!

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