Whew... we are right in the middle of the holidays and I am about to explode! I am taking down somewhere around 10000000 calories a day, enough to feed a small town (or Kathy Bates). Between beer, cookies, quiche, wine, ham, candy, etc... I might explode Aliens style at any moment. So I am not really at liberty to go into all of the holiday doings but here are a few quick hits. My favorite gift was the travel bag my wife gave me (narrowly edging out the sponge my in-laws left in my stocking). My least favorite was the 200th wine stopper. Can't ever have enough of those right? Wrong! You can have enough... that number is 1. I cursed out a dumb driver in the Madeiras parking lot the day before Christmas. That was fun. I really got in the spirit! Want a professional gift wrapper for next year? Sign up early, I really had some gems this year. Blind 2 year olds have an easier time w/ tape and colored paper than I did this year. 3 great office additions, a grabber I use to annoy people who are "working", a flying cow slingshot, and a panda that poops jelly beans. Pretty solid stuff.
I have taken in a few off the run movies the last 2 weeks.
The Book of Eli. Denzel doing Denzel thing is never a terrible thing. These days it is not a great thing either. This one is good on HBO which you have already paid for. If I rented it on Pay Per View I might have kicked my cat out of misplaced anger. 1 thumb sideways
John Q. All Denzel all the time for this guy. Actually a pretty ok movie. Definitely another bonus on HBO and I bet an in the park homer if watched on a plane. A little preachy but I liked it. 1 thumb up.
Wall Street 2. Not bad, not great. Shia Laboof plays a great hedge fun douchebag. It was actually the part he was born to play. He needs a much bigger motorcycle helmet. This one merely made him look like a bobblehead. Michael Douglas looked a bit... well, weathered. 1 thumb sideways.
Well, as I just had a hamburger melt w/ fries, chicken tenders, and artichoke dip for lunch... I need to migrate south w/ the rest of my whale brothers!
I like you too.
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