So we went to Bistro Sauce the other night and it was a little sad. Sauce has been a pretty pleasant, comfortable, generally tasty place since we moved to the Charlotte/Shelburne area 5+ years ago. Well, Sauce has been sold and officially closes tomorrow. Sure it will re-open in some other form possibly in December but it won't be the same. What I can definitively say about Sauce is that the people were always friendly, and I never had a bad meal. The food was inconsistent towards the end ranging from good to ok. At then end of the day though you could roll in there pretty much anytime, have a beer, and just relax. This differed from the stuffy atmosphere that pervades the Bearded Frog's dining room. One thing I'd like to see in a new joint is possibly a bigger bar area where you could sit solo and eat. It was a little jammed as Sauce had it set up. For my last meal I had a very pleasant parsnip soup, some caesar salad (only ok), and we shared an order of the short ribs which were slightly overcooked but still pretty good. I give it a long term 1.5 thumb rating and will miss it.
Few other things... It is IMPOSSIBLE for Lebron James to be assessed an offensive foul. Funny since he runs over 3-5 guys a game. BTW, suck it Miami!
First B-ball game last night and my nickname for the season is going to be "StormCloud"... cause I MAKE IT RAIN!!!! Bricks that is.
Hey how about that Charlie Sheen? Think Emilio Estevez may be able to seamlessly slip into that stupid show 2 and a half men? Hahaha, coke and hookers Charlie, come on!
I may have better material later this week but after 3 days I feel like the Yankees, old and tired. HAHAHAHAHAHA