Boo-Yeah!!! I have been watching the Olympics a little bit this week and I am baffled. Swimming, track and field, basketball, even gymnastics are all great... boxing? the scoring is stupid. You can knock a guy out and only get 1 point, tap him in the forehead and you could also get a phantom point. Badminton? Ping-Pong? Beach volleyball? When did the Olympics turn into an international lawn game party in the Hampton's! Synchronized diving? Don't even get me started... I am sure it is very difficult but come on. It is tough that the games are in China as well, all of the good stuff happens at 11:45PM. I need my beauty sleep for crap's sake! This face doesn't get this beautiful on it's own, it takes work! Plus, is anyone really surprised that China might be cheating? Here is one guy who is not. I feel bad for the gymnasts though, they really look unhealthy which is sad. I am digging the Michael Phelps saga, that guy is a pretty amazing swimmer, he just blows everyone away. Pretty exciting stuff.
On a related note (and I am talking forth cousin's roommate related) my buddy and I rolled down the the River City for our high school alumni soccer game. It is always a really fun time, this year being no exception. PM managed to not get hurt, neither did I, we had a fun game, the sun came out for the first time in 8 months, and we had a few beers and dogs afterwards. It is kind of strange how I have a real feeling of team unity and connection w/ my high school team and even the guys that are older and younger that I don't know that well, but I really dislike most of the people I played college soccer w/. College managed to suck the fun out of the game. So thanks for that.
Fun times w/ Russia right? They are like a hedge fund trader... they get a little oil money and start pushing their weight around. The minute the oil money runs out though, they will realize they have no infrastructure, and corrupt government, and will be back to buying blue jeans on the black market for $500 a pair. But in a few years, the natural resource money will come back and they will be all tough again. Enjoy it while it lasts douche bags. For an interesting perspective check out the Pravda newspaper. It is pretty amusing.
So my last thought is a farewell for the next week or so, I am headed to Maine for vacation and none too soon. I am a little burned out from work, and really need some time to unwind. I would like to leave you w/ one of the best videos I have seen in awhile, there are plenty of F-bombs so if that is a problem for you... go F**** yourself!!! just kidding.
On a related note (and I am talking forth cousin's roommate related) my buddy and I rolled down the the River City for our high school alumni soccer game. It is always a really fun time, this year being no exception. PM managed to not get hurt, neither did I, we had a fun game, the sun came out for the first time in 8 months, and we had a few beers and dogs afterwards. It is kind of strange how I have a real feeling of team unity and connection w/ my high school team and even the guys that are older and younger that I don't know that well, but I really dislike most of the people I played college soccer w/. College managed to suck the fun out of the game. So thanks for that.
Fun times w/ Russia right? They are like a hedge fund trader... they get a little oil money and start pushing their weight around. The minute the oil money runs out though, they will realize they have no infrastructure, and corrupt government, and will be back to buying blue jeans on the black market for $500 a pair. But in a few years, the natural resource money will come back and they will be all tough again. Enjoy it while it lasts douche bags. For an interesting perspective check out the Pravda newspaper. It is pretty amusing.
So my last thought is a farewell for the next week or so, I am headed to Maine for vacation and none too soon. I am a little burned out from work, and really need some time to unwind. I would like to leave you w/ one of the best videos I have seen in awhile, there are plenty of F-bombs so if that is a problem for you... go F**** yourself!!! just kidding.
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