The weather has been pretty nice lately so I have gotten a few rounds in this last week. I really wish I was a better golfer... it is just not the case though. If you find yourself in the Western Mass., Northern Conn. area, check out the Canaan Country Club. http://www.canaancountryclub.com/index.html
It is a nice little 9 hole course has a lovely new clubhouse and bar and is run by some great people. Am I ashamed of myself for this no holds barred family promotion? No. Maybe. Yes, just a little. Anyway, we were down at the in-laws for Memorial Day weekend and it was really great. I was so relaxed. Of course the moment I got home I tensed up like Michael Douglas in Falling Down. Seriously, I was going to baseball bat somebody! Unfortunately, the only person around was my lady and I like her alot so no dice. Anywho... couple quick hits
3:10 To Yuma = 2:02 to blahhh... You have to love movies that have a ridiculous ending and 2 main characters who you can't find anything to like about!
Red Onion breakfast sandwich... Booyeah! delicious!!
Vermont Pub and Brew. Interested in severe stomach distress? Well then, drink the water in Mexico or one of the fine handcrafted beers at the Pub!!!
Old guy w/ his family in the black Subaru who flipped me off on Rt 22 Monday... right back @ you chump! Jaybird holds grudges!!
Video of the week http://gheorghe77.blogspot.com/2008/05/ceai-complet-greatest-video-ever.html
Hillary... thanks for the dignity. What your party needs is for you to drag it down w/ you in an election year that should have been a slam dunk. Well played!!
Scott McClellan... telling us what most people already suspected? I think folks will allow for many political untruths... one that leads us to war though? Not so much
L.A. Lakers... Very interesting team, beware of the Black Mamba!!!
Celtics... Rondo making me a little nervous w/ those 5th grade lob passes at the end of game 5. Need a little more composure from your point guard.
Best new show? Three Sheets on the MOJO HD channel!
So Carl Spackler finally went over the edge... could kind of see that one coming
Uh, I guess that's it
It is a nice little 9 hole course has a lovely new clubhouse and bar and is run by some great people. Am I ashamed of myself for this no holds barred family promotion? No. Maybe. Yes, just a little. Anyway, we were down at the in-laws for Memorial Day weekend and it was really great. I was so relaxed. Of course the moment I got home I tensed up like Michael Douglas in Falling Down. Seriously, I was going to baseball bat somebody! Unfortunately, the only person around was my lady and I like her alot so no dice. Anywho... couple quick hits
3:10 To Yuma = 2:02 to blahhh... You have to love movies that have a ridiculous ending and 2 main characters who you can't find anything to like about!
Red Onion breakfast sandwich... Booyeah! delicious!!
Vermont Pub and Brew. Interested in severe stomach distress? Well then, drink the water in Mexico or one of the fine handcrafted beers at the Pub!!!
Old guy w/ his family in the black Subaru who flipped me off on Rt 22 Monday... right back @ you chump! Jaybird holds grudges!!
Video of the week http://gheorghe77.blogspot.com/2008/05/ceai-complet-greatest-video-ever.html
Hillary... thanks for the dignity. What your party needs is for you to drag it down w/ you in an election year that should have been a slam dunk. Well played!!
Scott McClellan... telling us what most people already suspected? I think folks will allow for many political untruths... one that leads us to war though? Not so much
L.A. Lakers... Very interesting team, beware of the Black Mamba!!!
Celtics... Rondo making me a little nervous w/ those 5th grade lob passes at the end of game 5. Need a little more composure from your point guard.
Best new show? Three Sheets on the MOJO HD channel!
So Carl Spackler finally went over the edge... could kind of see that one coming
Uh, I guess that's it