So here we are in 2008 and we have our 3rd sex scandal scandal in 3 months courtesy of the mayor of Detroit. Thanks Mayor Kilpatrick! Now, have we reached an era of complete moral bankruptcy or is this all a product of our media machine? I mean, are we really that much worse off now than in the past or have we become such a snoopy, busy body culture that we have employed our vast technical resources to merely rake muck? I don't really have an answer, I am just asking the question. I tend to think people have always been a little dirty, we used to be better about keeping it a secret. Which brings me to our current big cheese, old GW. To his credit, Pres. Bush is by all accounts a very good family man and an overall positive role model from a family perspective. Frankly, I could not care less about his past transgressions when it comes to drugs and alcohol as they were long in the past and he has cleaned up. F* it, that stuff happens. What I am curious about is how this guy will be perceived in a historical sense. He has been elected twice so after his first term somebody liked him. The Republican media machine is no joke and folks on the right seem very willing to turn a blind eye to his failings (left does the same w/ it's stars). To be fair, I was anti-Bush to begin with. Seriously, if a guy has been given several opportunities and failed each and every time (what 2 oil companies and a baseball team in the shitter), what are the odds he would somehow magically turn it around and kick ass in the toughest job in the country?!?! All of a sudden by becoming president a person who has historically shown bad judgement will start making good calls at crucial times? I tend to think we elected a guy who would be fun to drink a beer w/ or fun to go golfing with rather than a guy who might be better equipped to handle the job. Think Al Gore is happy how things turned out? That dude is stoked!!! But think of it this way, how many of your drinking buddies would you want to watch your house, or take care of your kids, or manage your finances? I don't want my buddies running the show... sorry fellas.
So here is a quick recap... 2 recessions (recent one possibly becoming a depression), one terrorist attack, one war, one border fence fiasco, one underfunded education plan, one record budget deficit, several cabinet members running for the exit, 1 fired Secretary of Defense, 1 million speaking miscues, 1 million kind of funny jokes, and a VP who shot a dude. Our Vice President shot a guy!!!!! No, not all of these issues belong to the President alone, some are carried over from the last administration, some a collective effort... but you have to admit, this administration hasn't exactly hit the cover off the ball.
So where does that leave us w/ the upcoming election? I say in a pretty good spot, I would not want to have a beer w/ any of these jokers!!!
So here is a quick recap... 2 recessions (recent one possibly becoming a depression), one terrorist attack, one war, one border fence fiasco, one underfunded education plan, one record budget deficit, several cabinet members running for the exit, 1 fired Secretary of Defense, 1 million speaking miscues, 1 million kind of funny jokes, and a VP who shot a dude. Our Vice President shot a guy!!!!! No, not all of these issues belong to the President alone, some are carried over from the last administration, some a collective effort... but you have to admit, this administration hasn't exactly hit the cover off the ball.
So where does that leave us w/ the upcoming election? I say in a pretty good spot, I would not want to have a beer w/ any of these jokers!!!
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