Friday, May 16, 2014

Alert! Silver German Luxe (semi) cars terrorizing Charlotte VT!!!!!!

So there is a thing around here called "Front Porch Forum". Depending on the town it ranges from neighborly posting on local events, musings, and services wanted type stuff to snarky shots at people not picking up their dog's poop. I am not actually on it but my wife is. She alerted me to the fact I had made the forum! How? Good question.

The other day, I played golf w/ a colleague and then headed over to a house in Charlotte to meet my realtor and look at a farmhouse that was for sale. I was late but still the first person there. It is right on a pretty main road, and there neighbor across the street was outside mowing the front lawn. It was 4pm or so. After waiting awhile I saw a lurky person in the window peering out at me. Not wanting to seem weird or make them feel uncomfortable I decided to go to the door and tell them who I was and why I was there. A woman in her 60s/70s opened the door a sliver and asked who I was. I explained the scene and she said she was unaware of a showing... I better call my agent. Oh yeah? No shit Sherlock... I was going to keep waiting in your driveway a while and make it super weird. Freak. Anyway, I called my agent and she was at the wrong house and had f*d the whole thing up. Whatever, it was a FUBAR but it happens, so I fired up the car and drove home. Case closed right? Wrong.

On the heels of a post concerning an apparently sketchy Silver BMW w/ tinted windows (probably a minority!) I was lit up as a sketchy character in a silver Audi lurking around.  A further post suggested calling the cops on such occasions. Now, I know how intimidating a short bald dude in gold attire driving an Audi is so I get it. Frankly, I was going to rob that old woman but it is hard to fit the good stuff between the car seats and I had too many strollers in the trunk to access that either?!

My wife said this is the kind of thing that only happens to me. I suppose that is true. Well, me and the person in the silver BMW.

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