Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Catching up a bit

I think when you have kids all you think about is your kids. That is what I spend the majority of my time thinking about.  I am on f*d up websites like looking for fleece footy pajamas. I wake up in the night worrying about the million dangerous things around the house that they will obviously put in their moths. Meanwhile they are kind of standing and almost walking but still have no sense of self so they are that much more of a risk to themselves. And a nice thing to do for my special lady and I? A drink and possibly an appetizer out all done w/in 20 minutes before one of the monsters loses their shit and they both go into melt down mode.

What does that have to do w/ you?  Nothing. If I were you I would not care about my kids. They are boring for other people the same way other people's kids are boring to me. This conundrum makes my blog boring. Unless you want to hear about how my son takes enormous stinky shits that somehow manage to get up his back, on his legs, and on his front all at the same time. It looks like a Pollock painting and seem to defy physics?

One little gem is the Netflix show House of Cards. We are way into it. It is dramatic and engrossing. Obviously it is just TV but I always imagine politicians to be that shitty as people. Most politicians I know are pretty bad people. They lie for a living. So if you have Netflix check it out.

It is too bad we lost a few of our better known performers recently. My mother was very surprised that Phillip Seymour Hoffman was a heroin addict. I asked why and she said he was so talented and did not look like one. There you go. To be fair he did look a little pudgy to be a heroin guy. 

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