Monday, March 11, 2013


My kids are a pain in the ass right now.  My son likes to start the action by whimpering and grunting which wakes up my daughter who takes it up a notch by screaming at a pitch that threatens to obliterate glassware in our house and kill the dog across the street.  My wife is afraid I am going to hurt them (which I certainly will not).  I am more likely to drive my own head into the drywall which almost happened in the middle of the night when I tripped over an imaginary line in the floor and fell into the wall.  I have no sleep, sometimes cannot brush my teeth until afternoon, don't shave, got athlete's foot at the gym, eat badly and in a hurry every meal.  My special lady also does not feel so special.  Why doesn't anybody really tell you these things!!!  That said, our kids are really cute and quite amazing.  I am in no way biased when I say they are the most gifted 2 months old that have ever lived. My kid raises his head like a f*ing champ!

I just ate a "Lancy" bar a friend sent to our office.  It is some sort of chocolate confection.  It is always a little scary when you cannot actually read the contents.  It does have 6.1 grams of gorduras totais so I have that going for me.  Mucho Gusto Lancy!!!

Apparently it is the 1 year anniversary of the Burlington's mayor Miro.  I have friends who really respect him and apparently he is very business friendly but as far as I can tell he is merely a shameless self promoter who has gotten little done other than take lunches and breakfast meetings at local establishments and set up various blue ribbon informational committees. Which still makes him 1000% more competent than Bob Kiss. So far Miro has pushed a Fiscal Responsibility Bond.  Everyone realizes that a bond is a mode of debt right?  So we have essentially pushed off our fiscal responsibility for another 10-20 years. But at an excellent rate!  He also "attenuated" the BTV airport's payback period for it's ill conceived and improperly financed parking garage.  Kicked another can down the road.  Well played. In a gushing article (seriously) in Seven Days here are a few gems I enjoy.  "Can he clean up the Burlington Telecom mess? Vince Brennan, another Prog councilor, says he’s pleasantly surprised by the Weinberger administration’s handling of BT, noting that the new mayor didn’t “cut and run” by offloading the essentially bankrupt city-owned utility at a fire-sale price. But there’s still no solution in sight for BT. "  or this one, "On another key financial matter, Weinberger has made no progress toward righting the imbalance between revenues and expenditures in the pension system for city employees.", or "Weinberger’s first year in office could be characterized as long on process and short on product. ".
But what he has done is make sure a residential project hi private company has been working on gets done and build bridges between political parties.  At least he can tweet about it.  Not sure why this administration bugs me so much, I think it is because I expect more from them.  I did not expect anything from Kiss or Clavelle.  I also don't like people who make sure you know all of things they are doing even though they are not actually doing anything... self promotion... that really grinds my gears!

Are there any ads that are more ridiculous than the erectile dysfunction ones?  An honest ad would be amazing... "She has known you so long... so long she knows you have a limp wiener! CialisX".  "When a weird drunk time becomes the right time! CialisX". "She is ok with man boobs, a high fever, vomiting, maybe even a heart attack... because hey, you might have sex! CialisX".  "She loves your fat gut because the hair plugs and plastic surgery make it all ok. CialisX". "Hey, let's act like morons, then have old people sex! CialisX".  

I have nothing against CialisX, it just happens to be the ad I just saw on CNBC.  And yes, I realize the next time I attempt to have sex (4-5 months from now?) I will in no way be able to "rise to the occasion".  But who knows, maybe a quiet time will become the right time... or a fast fumbly, awkward, not terribly satisfying time.

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