This is what I am talking about... Somebody gets in your grill, or drives like a moron, or generally just ticks you off? You give 'em the hedgehog baby!!! I am heading out right now to stock up. You better believe that tomorrow on my way to work that guy in the Prius doing 35MPH in the passing lane listening to NPR and possibly talking on his cell phone is getting the hedgehog!!!
While we are on the topic of rodents who don't f* around... may I present, Dramatic Chipmunk!!!
Or maybe even... Dramatic Lemur!!!
Finally seeing some signs of Spring up here in the North Country. The snow is almost gone, the temps broke above 20 degrees, and we are seeing daffodils popping up. It is very refreshing after VT's 8 month winter. It's like I always say... when life tosses doo-doo at you, you make a doo-doo salad!!!!!!
This is what I am talking about... Somebody gets in your grill, or drives like a moron, or generally just ticks you off? You give 'em the hedgehog baby!!! I am heading out right now to stock up. You better believe that tomorrow on my way to work that guy in the Prius doing 35MPH in the passing lane listening to NPR and possibly talking on his cell phone is getting the hedgehog!!!
While we are on the topic of rodents who don't f* around... may I present, Dramatic Chipmunk!!!
Or maybe even... Dramatic Lemur!!!
Finally seeing some signs of Spring up here in the North Country. The snow is almost gone, the temps broke above 20 degrees, and we are seeing daffodils popping up. It is very refreshing after VT's 8 month winter. It's like I always say... when life tosses doo-doo at you, you make a doo-doo salad!!!!!!
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