Monday, April 28, 2008

Jay About... Spring Cleaning?!

Let's just say this weekend was not nearly as fun as last weekend... My lady spent most of the weekend doing school work and I spent time cleaning sludge out of the basement and a dead mouse out of the engine on my tractor mower. F*ing mouse... I knew he was in there and tried to shoo him out but he had to tempt fate!

2 highlights. We did have a fun dinner over @shakeyourbooty's house. Had a nice pork loin, some wine, toured the barn, had some laughs , and jumped on the trampoline. They may not like us, but we had a great time!

The second highlight was the dinner my wife made Sunday night. She had been marinating lemons in a salt brine for weeks and finally broke them out for a delicious Mediterranean chicken dish w/ olives, cous cous, and snap peas. The menu came from a braising cook book that has been fabulous. The chicken was flavorful and was very tender. The lemons were quite nice and we were able to use a few for a Margarita drink as well. My special lady puts the love in and you can tell, she is an excellent cook. Unfortunately for her, tonight I am on the clock which means leftovers and possible mac n' cheese!! and beer...

1 comment:

J-Bird said...

notice how the marg man seems to be rolling commando?! That is how I like to serve my guests there beverages, sans pants!!!!