Friday, September 6, 2013

Well I am baffled

WTF w/ Syria?! We somehow have a uber liberal President who is very hawkish in matters of national defense?  Ok, that is odd but whatever.  So he makes a play to bomb Syria even though we don't really like either their current administration or the rebels that are fighting them. What happens?  Republicans tell him to hold on, that is not the right way to do things (what about Iraq?). So he waits.  And then there is an even more obvious chemical weapon attack (if you believe Obama or some guy's smart phone in Damascus). Ok, so now it's go time right? Well, hold on say the Republicans... we need more evidence. So Obama waits and goes to Congress for a vote. During the voting lull the conservatives attack Obama for not making a strong case, not being a leader and dithering. He says there is clear evidence and we are going to bomb. Even Republican leadership in Congress gets on board. Now the members of Congress seem unwilling to follow their own leadership or even their own advice and will not vote for to support. Meanwhile Russia is making us look like ineffectual pussies. Seriously Congress... get your shit together.

I managed to attend my first fantasy football draft the other night and I hate my team. I usually miss the draft and get my team auto-picked.  I have done well the last few years. This year? Well, my hand picked team would have dominated... in 2007!!! F***!! To make matters worse I ran into a opponent who had Peyton Manning in week 1. Guy has a f*ing career game in week 1. Shit.

I gave my son a new rattle I just bought for him. He promptly puked on it.

Just had a quite nice meatball sandwich from the Guild Meat Market. The sandwich unfortunately has made it known to me in no uncertain terms that we will not be going for a run this afternoon.

Why does the stock market like bad economic data, poor job growth and a potential war?

Late review, but I have gotten my hair cut at Bugatti down on Battery Street twice now. $15 for an easy cut and they do a good job. Also trimmed my beard and eyebrows.  A little chatty for my taste but overall has been a solid place to get groomed.  You can see my glamour shot above. Yeah, on the left... they did a nice job w/ the beard right?

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