Monday, September 16, 2013

I am a mess today

So after working from 9:30AM until 6PM with a brief break for lunch my mother asks me if I think my father has slowed a bit. I thought maybe she was crazy?  My back was seizing up and I was about to pass out. My dad is 20 odd years older and was tired but fine. I hope I slow down like that. We did a bunch of demo and rebuild work on a shed and then I loaded wood and did some more clean up on Sunday. I have not done manual labor like that in years and I was already a mess heading into last night. We went to bed early and I looked forward to just resting my body. My kids had a different interpretation on how the evening would play out. My son started fussing at 10:30 or so. He had taken a huge shit. Oh well, no problem. Changed him and back to bed. Except he was back up around 11:30 and woke up his sister. Awesome. Around 1 or so is when he really ramped up, screaming his guts out. We struggled to get him calmed down as he began to wake his sister who A) was seeming to be coming down w/ a cold and B) is really tough to settle once she wakes up. Well, we got them back down, by bringing him into our bed. His sister woke up about an hour later screaming like a horror movie was being filmed in her room.  Into bed where they both squirmed and fussed. I got the boy a little settled and took him back to his own bed. This backfired when an hour or so later he went absolute bat shit.  I am not sure how often we got up and down but needless to say I woke up on a sliver of bed w/ my son's head firmly jammed into my spine and having gotten maybe 4 hours of sleep. I tried to sneak down to get ahead of the morning while my special lady took a shower. I heard fussing.  F***! Back upstairs I ran w/ bottles for breakfast. Wife gets out of the shower and here are two smiling laughing babies. Little shits. Nice to be able to lounge about and nap all day.

When Folino's first opened we thought the pizza was ok at best and the service sucked balls. The Fiddlehead Brewery next store was not very good either.  Well, several months later service is a bit better and the pizza is really quite edible to good at times.  The brewery is also getting better and their flagship IPA's is one of the more drinkable things going. So there you go... time heals many wounds. Not my lack of sleep but other ones.

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