Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jay About the Police Blotter!


Yup, it is getting dicey out here in Char-latte these days.  People getting aggressive w/ Priuses. That is when you know things are going in the shitter.  Pretty soon we will need Snake Plissken to get out of here! Went to the brick store the other day and got a Chester's ice cream sandwich, it was delicious.  Such weird people in there, or maybe I am the weird one.  They always want to get too deep in the weeds and tell everyone their life story.  I don't need the high school girl making sandwiches my kids' sleeping schedule.  I do need her to stop f*ing up my sandwich! I guess I am the dick.  Sorry, getting off topic.

When I was a young single guy I never imagined the joy of waking up to a whining cat smashing his head against a baby gate, while you slowly freeze in a 3" corner of bed next to two grunting wiggling little people who have kept you up most of the night sort of fussing. It is refreshing in a way you never could imagine!  Shhh, don't tell the uninitiated, I don't want to spoil the surprise! I nearly dumped a full coffee on the floor of the gas station, then in the cream station, then in my lap as I struggled to get in my car as if I had never negotiated such a delicate situation before. Maybe it is not the lack of sleep rather the pulled pork I had yesterday leaching into my brain?  Will have to monitor.

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