Monday, June 24, 2013

It's unsolicited commentary time

Dwyane Wade (how do you actually pronounce that?) just released a new home workout tape... I received an advance copy as you can see above.

Can we just kill that Snowden guy? He is obviously a traitor and an asshole.  Maybe we can get Aaron Hernandez on that?

I really don't like the Red Sox pitching right now, particularly the bullpen. Shaky....

James Gandolfini's death got me thinking about the state of culture currently.  Why are we lionizing douchebags?  I liked the Sopranos.  I like Mad Men. I enjoy Family Guy. I never got into Breaking Bad or Sons of Anarchy but they seem fine.  The point is we really like the guy who is a giant asshole but knows he is an asshole and once in awhile tries to do the right thing but still does the wrong thing.  If you try to make a show about a genuinely good person it seems corny.  But why?  Because those people don't exist?  Isn't that the point of TV and movies, to create a fantasy?  Maybe even a fantasy of a reality we should strive for?  That certainly is not a jerk headcase murderer. That said, Gandolfini was great in that role and the show was very well done. See, I am such a hypocrite.

I am stoked about this non stop rain by the way.

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